Foraging Activity of Xylocopa cearensis (Ducke) in Sand Dune Landscape


  • Fabiana Oliveira da Silva Universidade Federal de Sergipe - Campus do Sertão
  • Blandina Felipe Viana Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Danilo Bôscolo Universidade de São Paulo
  • R. L. Santos Universidade Federal da Bahia



Bee conservation – Flight distance – Translocation experiment – functional connectivity


Bees foraging strategy is affected by the distribution and abundance of flower resources, mainly nectar and pollen. Homing-time of female Xylocopa cearensis (Ducke) bees to their nests was assessed through a simple translocation method. The hypothesis addressed was that resource distribution in the landscape level influences bee homing time. The study area comprises about 300ha in a sand dune field with patchy shrubs in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The mean homing time after translocation was 60 min (sd = 4.36 min; n= 03), except for one bee that did not returned. The translocation technique was successfully applied to large solitary bees, since they do return to their own nest and can be easily recognized when arriving. Also, bees returned carrying pollen, what suggests foraging activity after translocations. Results evidence landscape functional connectivity since bees were able to move through local habitats. Further studies should address movement cost tradeoffs and its consequences on bee diversity conservation.


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  • Scopus - Citation Indexes: 3
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  • Mendeley - Readers: 27

Author Biography

Fabiana Oliveira da Silva, Universidade Federal de Sergipe - Campus do Sertão

Nucleo de Educação em Ciências Agrárias e da Terra


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How to Cite

Silva, F. O. da, Viana, B. F., Bôscolo, D., & Santos, R. L. (2019). Foraging Activity of Xylocopa cearensis (Ducke) in Sand Dune Landscape. Sociobiology, 66(1), 190–193.



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