Red imported fire ant invasion reduces the populations of two banana insect pests in South China


  • Lei Wang South China Agricultural University
  • Zheng Wang
  • Ling Zeng
  • Yongyue Lu



Solenopsis invicta, ecological effect, banana, Erion tatorus, Stephanitis typical


As a severe invasive pest, red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) had important effects on ecosystem of its infected areas. Here, we surveyed impact of S. invicta on populations of two banana insect pests, banana skipper (Erion tatorus Evans) and banana stephanitis (Stephanitis typical Distant). The results showed that influences of S. invicta on population of E. tatorus and S. typical depend on weed coverage degree of banana plantations. Comparing to the areas without S. invicta, banana skipper population was reduced by 39.2%, 41.4% and 23.4% respectively, in high, moderate and low weed coverage of banana plantations with S. invicta invasion. Banana stephanitis population was reduced by 17.8%, 43.0% and 39.2% respectively, in high, moderate and low weed coverage of banana plantations with S. invicta invasion. 


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How to Cite

Wang, L., Wang, Z., Zeng, L., & Lu, Y. (2016). Red imported fire ant invasion reduces the populations of two banana insect pests in South China. Sociobiology, 63(3), 889–893.



Research Article - Ants