First Data on the Ants of the Algerian Islands, with a Specific Focus on the Habibas Islands
Formicidae, Inventory, Habibas island, Island environments, Algerian IslandsAbstract
The study of the Algerian islands’ myrmecofauna was undertaken for the first time, particularly on Habibas Island. The inventory of Habibas Island identified 13 ant species. The island’s plant formations, such as the xerophilous shrub group and the xerophilous halophilous shrub group, show a significant correlation with species distribution. Some species, such as Pheidole pallidula, are found in all the formations, while others, such as Aphaenogaster senilis, are specific to a single formation. The centesimal and occurrence frequencies of the species vary considerably, highlighting the predominance of Messor capitatus on the island. The study also revealed significant differences between Algerian islands and islets in terms of ant species richness. Tetramorium biskrense, Pheidole pallidula, Messor barbarus, Crematogaster scutellaris, and Cataglyphis viatica are present on several islands, while others are specific to a single island, such as Crematogaster laestrygon on the Sahel islet. Statistical modellings, such as simple non-linear and multiple regression, did not show any significant correlation between ant richness and factors such as the island’s size, its isolation degree, and its floristic richness. However, the latter does seem to have a more or less significant influence on ant distribution. Spearman’s correlation test revealed significant similarities between certain islands, while others showed significant differences. These results highlight the importance of the individual characteristics of each island in determining ant composition.
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