Review of Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as bioindicators in the Brazilian Savanna
Bioindication, Brazilian Savanna, Degradation, Formicidae, Hotspot, PreservationAbstract
The Brazilian Savanna is threatened mainly by the expansion of agriculture and livestock. Regarding environmental problems, habitat loss in the biome and the need to verify studies on ants as bioindicators, the goal of this paper was to carry out a bibliographic review of the literature about ants as bioindicators in this biome from the last 30 years. We searched papers about ants as bioindicators in the Brazilian Savanna from the last 30 years, refining the search between the years 1986 to 2016 and we analyzed 16 papers about ants as bioindicators. Monitoring studies focusing on ants as bioindicators in the Brazilian Savanna started in 1992 and increased since 2002. The results obtained in the studies presented changes in the species richness and composition in relation to potential bioindication. In general, 167 species are defined as bioindicators of the Brazilian Savanna and are related to specific habitats. We verified that most studies were done Minas Gerais state. We noted that the absence of rigorous analysis damaged the results of the studies, as well as the knowledge of ant fauna biology for correct attribution of indication characteristics of preserved or degraded areas.Downloads
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