Defensive Strategies of a Noctuid Caterpillar in a Myrmecophytic Plant: are Dyops Larvae Immune to Azteca Ants?


  • Renato Rogner Ramos Unicamp, Universidade de Campinas, SP, BR.
  • André Victor Lucci Freitas Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • Ronaldo Bastos Francini Universidade Católica da Santos



Defensive behavior, larval behavior, insect-plant interaction, oral secretion, resource partitioning.


Immature stages of insects are generally susceptive to their natural enemies, but many species developed defensive and evasive mechanisms to circumvent predation. Gregarious larvae of the noctuid moth Dyops cf. cuprescens feed on leaves of young Cecropia pachystachya shrubs colonized by Azteca ants. Ants avoid contact with larval clusters, retreating to the nest when larvae are moving near the stems. Provoked encounters revealed that Dyops caterpillars present several specialized behaviors to avoid and overcome ant attacks, such as fleeing to under leaf, jumping off the leaf, curling and wriggling vigorously the anterior portion of the body, spitting droplets of oral fluids, or killing ants by pouncing them. These mechanisms allow the caterpillars to overcome ant attacks and consume leaves of ant-colonized plants. By feeding on a heavily protected plant, larvae can enjoy not only a competitor-free plant, but possibly also the enemy-free space created by the aggressive ants.


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Author Biography

Renato Rogner Ramos, Unicamp, Universidade de Campinas, SP, BR.

Pesquisador Colaborador do Laboratório de Borboletas (LABBOR).


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How to Cite

Ramos, R. R., Freitas, A. V. L., & Francini, R. B. (2018). Defensive Strategies of a Noctuid Caterpillar in a Myrmecophytic Plant: are Dyops Larvae Immune to Azteca Ants?. Sociobiology, 65(3), 397–402.



Research Article - Ants