Evaluation of formic acid toxicity to subterranean termite, Reticulitermes chinensis Snyder
Formic acid, contact toxicity, fumigation toxicity, R. chinensisAbstract
This study examined formic acid contact and fumigation toxicity to R. chinensis in the laboratory. In the contact toxicity bioassay, the LD50 values ranged from 267.86 to 287.68 μg adult-1 for workers, 279.09 μg adult-1 for alates (male and female) and 223.08 μg adult-1 for soldiers after 24 h, respectively. In the fumigation bioassays, the LC50 values ranged from 0.84 to 1.08 μg ml-1 for workers, 1.19 μg ml-1 for alates (male and female) and 0.57 μg ml-1 for soldiers after 24 h, respectively. At the concentration of 2.50 μg ml-1, the KT50 value of formic acid ranged from 25.38 to 34.75 min for workers, from 42.21 to 45.62 min for alates (male and female), from 32.18 to 36.37 min for soldiers. Although formic acid was significantly less toxic to subterranean termite than bifenthrin, but higher toxic to many other pest insects. The findings of this study provide important confirmation of formic acid with fumigation toxicity against termite. It may be worth investigating the use of formic acid for managing subterranean termite.Downloads
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