Resources Collected by two Melipona Illiger, 1806 (Apidae: Meliponini) Species Based on Pollen Spectrum of Honeys from the Amazon Basin
stingless bees, trophic resources, Melipona (Michmelia) seminigra pernigra, Melipona (Melikerria) interrupta, meliponiculture, melissopalynologyAbstract
This study aimed to identify the pollen grains found in honeys of Melipona (Michmelia) seminigra pernigra Moure & Kerr and Melipona (Melikerria) interrupta Latreille in two communities of the Tapajós-Arapiuns Extractive Reserve, Lower Amazon (Pará, Brazil) between December 2016 and November 2017. Twenty-four samples of honey were processed, 12 samples from M. seminigra pernigra collected in the Suruacá community and 12 samples from M. interrupta in the Vila Franca community. After acetolysis, 103 pollen types were identified, distributed across 22 families, plus eight indeterminate types. Fifty-nine types were exclusive to M. seminigra pernigra, 29 types were exclusive to M. interrupta and 15 pollen types were shared between both species. Anacardiaceae, Burseraceae, Melastomataceae, and Myrtaceae were the most attractive pollen families, providing key resources for maintenance of these bee populations. The sharing of pollen types between both bee species revealed a high similarity in preference for certain resources. M. seminigra showed greater diversity (H’ = 1.928) than M. interrupta (H’ = 1.292). Furthermore, the diversity (H’) and equitability (J’) indexes showed a more homogeneous pattern in the pollen spectrum of honeys from M. seminigra in most months studied. These data suggest that meliponiculturists should consider the diversity of plant species found in the two communities and keep them close to the meliponary, which will favor honey management and production, as well as the local biodiversity.
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