Development and Isolation of 17 polymorphic Microsatellite Loci in Coptoterms formosanus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)


  • Zhi-Qiang Li Guangdong entomological institute



Seventeen polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci for Copototermes formosanus were isolated and characterized. Polymorphism of these loci was assessed in a sample of 32 unrelated C. formosanus individuals. An average of 4.6 alleles per locus (3-8 alleles) was detected. Observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.2500 to 1.0000 and from 0.5591 to 0.8562, respectively. Six loci were found to have deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in the sampled population after Bonferroni correction. No significant linkage disequilibrium was detected. These markers will be useful in population genetics, phylogenies and other relevant studies of C. formosanus.


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How to Cite

Li, Z.-Q. (2014). Development and Isolation of 17 polymorphic Microsatellite Loci in Coptoterms formosanus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). Sociobiology, 59(4), 1151–1155.


