Fumigant Toxicity of Mentha arviensis Leaves Extracts on Coptotermes heimi, Heterotermes indicola and Their Gut fFlagellates


  • Naveeda Akhtar Qureshi QAU




pest control, termites, gut flagellates, mint plant


The extract of Mentha arviensis (mint) has been found to have considerable application against microbial diseases. The present study is designed to check the insecticidal properties of Mentha arviensis. Crude extract of the leaves of Mentha arviensis was obtained in benzene-ethanol (2:1) solvent using soxhelt apparatus and dried extract was applied (25mg, 50mg and 100 mg) against termite workers, soldiers and their gut flagellates of Coptotermes heimi and Heterotermes indicola. A significant increase in mortality of termite workers, soldiers and their gut flagellates was observed depending upon a lethal dose over time, in both termite species. It, however, took a relatively longer time period to achieve 100% mortality of flagellates than their respective hosts. The dose dependent death of flagellates over time also indicates the mortality of flagellates was found to be associated with fumes originated from the extract of the plants as in starvation, termites and their associated flagellates can survive for three to four days and also their was no mortality of workers and their flagellates, in control. Thus Mentha arviensis extract can be safely used to control termites and other pests.


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Author Biography

Naveeda Akhtar Qureshi, QAU

Biological Sciences/ Animal Sciences/ Parasitology/Entomology

Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Qureshi, N. A. (2014). Fumigant Toxicity of Mentha arviensis Leaves Extracts on Coptotermes heimi, Heterotermes indicola and Their Gut fFlagellates. Sociobiology, 59(4), 1509–1519. https://doi.org/10.13102/sociobiology.v59i4.508


