Furcotanilla, a New Genus of the Ant Subfamily Leptanillinae from China with Descriptions of Two New Species of Protanilla and P. rafflesi Taylor (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)


  • Zheng-Hui Xu Southwest Forestry University




Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Leptanillinae, Furcotanilla, New genus, New species.


A new genus of the ant subfamily Leptanillinae, Furcotanilla gen. nov., discovered in southwestern China is described. The new genus is distributed in the Oriental region and belongs to the tribe Anomalomyrmini of Leptanillinae. A key to the 4 known genera of Leptanillinae of the world based on the worker caste is provided. Two new species of Protanilla collected from southwestern China, P. gengma sp. nov. and P. tibeta sp. nov., are described. The type-species of Protanilla, P. rafflesi Taylor, is also described based on the AntWeb images. A key to the 7 known species of Protanilla of the world based on worker and queen castes is prepared.


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How to Cite

Xu, Z.-H. (2014). Furcotanilla, a New Genus of the Ant Subfamily Leptanillinae from China with Descriptions of Two New Species of Protanilla and P. rafflesi Taylor (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology, 59(2), 477–491. https://doi.org/10.13102/sociobiology.v59i2.612


