Effect of Soil Water Content on Toxicity of Fipronil Against Solenopsis invicta


  • Yi-Juan Xu South China Agricultural University




Solenopsis invicta, Contact powder, Soil water content, Mortality rate, Persistent effect


This study evaluated the effect of Fipronil on the survival of fire ant workers with different doses and soil water contents and further examined the persistent effect of the same dose of powder at 10%, 50% and 90% soil water content. The results showed that mortality was positively correlated to the dosage. This result indicated that the survival rates of workers treated  by powder at different RS W (Relative soil water content) were significantly different (P <0.01). At the RS W of 10% and 20%, the survival rates of workers were 40.67 and 49.00 respectively, which showed no obvious difference from other treatments but were lower than the control. The survival rate decreased sharply when the RS W was 90%, and was obviously lower than that of treatments at moderate (30-50%) RS W. The contact powder showed worst persistent effect when the soil water content was 10%, but at the soil water content of 50% and 90%, the lethal effect of the powder was higher and was more persistent.


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How to Cite

Xu, Y.-J. (2014). Effect of Soil Water Content on Toxicity of Fipronil Against Solenopsis invicta. Sociobiology, 59(2), 521–529. https://doi.org/10.13102/sociobiology.v59i2.615


