Ant Castes from Intercastes: Much Ado about Nothing


  • Cesare Baroni Urbani Institut für Natur-, Landschafts- und Umweltschutz (NLU) Biogeographie St. Johanns-Vorstadt 10 CH-4056 Basel Switzerland



unfair citation, ant castes, ant soldiers


A recent hypothesis on the origin of ant soldiers by Molet et al. (2012) is shown to be misleading since it is based on unfair, incomplete literature information and to be unscientific since it is not falsifiable.


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Author Biography

Cesare Baroni Urbani, Institut für Natur-, Landschafts- und Umweltschutz (NLU) Biogeographie St. Johanns-Vorstadt 10 CH-4056 Basel Switzerland

Biogeography, Professor


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How to Cite

Baroni Urbani, C. (2015). Ant Castes from Intercastes: Much Ado about Nothing. Sociobiology, 62(2), 328–330.



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