Influence of dry season on social wasp communities (Hymenoptera: Polistinae) in Deciduous Forest
Conservation Unit, diversity, inventoryAbstract
The seasonal deciduous forest, also known as dry forest, is characterized by the deciduity of tree species and two well-defined seasons which cause drastic changes in its physiognomy, and the seasonality of rainy periods directly impacts the forest’s biological communities. Social wasps (Vespidae: Polistinae) are well documented. However, some ecosystems in which they occur, such as the deciduous forest, are still subsampled. This study aimed to assess the response of social wasp communities to the dry season in a deciduous forest in the Mata Seca State Park, in the North of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Insects were collected over 24 days divided into four field campaigns, each with six continuous days of collection (February, May, July, and November 2021), encompassing one campaign per season. All specimens were sacrificed and stored in 70% alcohol and later dry mounted for identification. The Kruskal-Wallis (KW) H test was performed to verify the difference between species richness, number of total colonies, and number of colonies of each tribe in relation to the collection station. In total, 131 colonies of eight species were located, particularly Polybia occidentalis (Olivier, 179), with 39 colonies, Polistes versicolor (Olivier, 1791), with 33, Mischocyttarus cassununga, with 21, and Protonectarina sylveirae (Saussure, 1854), with 13. Six species, five of which were from the Epiponini tribe, were collected in the four seasons. The responses of social wasps to the periods of drought in the deciduous forest vary with tribe. While Epiponini populations can keep colonies active in the dry season, Polistini cannot. Meanwhile, P. versicolor responds positively to the onset of the rainy season, increasing its population.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Gabriel de Castro Jacques, Leonardo Dutra Barbosa, Taiguara P. Gouvêa, Noéle A. Simões, Gabriel T. G. Silva, Orlando T. Silveira, Marcos Magalhães Souza

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