
  • Paulo Barroso ICNOVA – Instituto de Comunicação da Universidade Nova de Lisboa




Flusser’s thoughts on truth and objectivity in technical images are complex and increasingly pertinent in current visual cultures. His perspective is rooted in his philosophical examination of the role of photography and other technical images in modern society, regarding the new forms of information, standardized and reproduced meaning processes, interpretation and objectivity of the image-making and image-decoding processes. According to Flusser, while technical images have objective surfaces and are created through standardized processes, their ultimate meaning and truth are subject to interpretation and influenced by human decisions and cultural contexts. This article follows a theoretical and conceptual approach in the framework of Flusser’s philosophy of photography and its purposes are: a) to understand contemporary media and visual culture in shaping our conception of the world; b) to argue the ethical implications of technical images; and c) to demonstrate that Flusser’s work on the truth and objectivity of technical images serves various purposes and fields, and provides a framework for exploring the profound impact of technology on our perception of reality and the representation of truth.


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Biografia do Autor

Paulo Barroso, ICNOVA – Instituto de Comunicação da Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Licenciado, Mestre e Doutor em Filosofia. Doutor em Filosofia pela Universidade de Santiaago de Compostela (Espanha). 


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