A New Species of Cryptopone Emery (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae) from Brazil with Observations of this Genus and a Key for New World Species





Amazon, morphological convergence, ground-dwelling ants, genus record, hypogeic ant


The monophyly of Ponerinae was strongly supported by a detailed molecular phylogenetic study. Within the subfamily, substantial changes were yet done to the taxonomy of several genera, such as Cryptopone Emery, and after phylogenetic and morphological considerations, the genus Cryptopone was revived. Cryptopone is a moderately large genus of pantropical distribution, with 25 described species and subspecies, with its diversity centered mostly in East and Southeast Asia. In the New World, only four species were known until now, Cryptopone gilva (Roger), Cryptopone guianensis (Weber), Cryptopone holmgreni (Wheeler) and Cryptopone mirabilis (Mackay & Mackay). Since the Mackay and Mackay’s revision of 2010 of the genus Pachycondyla which included the species currently attributed to Cryptopone, no new species was added to Cryptopone genus in the New World. Recently an unidentified Cryptopone species was collected in the state of Rondônia, Brazil. The material here described was sampled by manual collection of soil in the Floresta Nacional do Jamari (FLONA Jamari). Four individuals belonging to the worker caste are hereafter described under the name of Cryptopone pauli sp. nov. Currently this ant is known only to a single locality in the state of Rondônia, Brazil. This is also the first record of this genus for that state. We present new records of Cryptopone for the Neotropical Region with some comments on its biology and an updated key to workers of the five species of Cryptopone currently known in the New World.


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Author Biographies

Itanna Oliveira Fernandes, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia - INPA

Coordenação em Biodiversidade - CBio

Coleção de Invertebrados

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Entomologia - PPGENT

Jacques Hubert Charles Delabie, Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau - CEPEC/CEPLAC

Laboratório de MirmecologiaConvênio UESC/CEPLACCaixa Postal 745600-970 Itabuna - Bahia - Brasiltel (55) (73) 32143254


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How to Cite

Fernandes, I. O., & Delabie, J. H. C. (2019). A New Species of Cryptopone Emery (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae) from Brazil with Observations of this Genus and a Key for New World Species. Sociobiology, 66(3), 408–413. https://doi.org/10.13102/sociobiology.v66i3.4354



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