Presence of Strepsiptera Parasites in the Independent-founding Wasp, Polistes satan


  • Kazuyuki Kudô Laboratory of Insect Ecology, Faculty of Education, Niigata University
  • Kazuma Komatsu Laboratory of Insect Ecology, Faculty of Education, Niigata University
  • Sidnei Mateus Departamento de Biologia FFCLRP - Universidade de São Paulo
  • Ronaldo Zucchi Departamento de Biologia FFCLRP - Universidade de São Paulo
  • Fabio Nascimento Departamento de Biologia FFCLRP - Universidade de São Paulo



Social wasp, interactions, parasitism


Although the paper wasp genus, Polistes, has been examined extensively, little is known about the occurrence of parasitism in this group. We detected the obligate parasitic insect group, Strepsiptera in the gaster of Polistes satan Bequaert adult females. By dissecting 161 adult females from 24 colonies, we identified a total of four stylopized wasps in three colonies during the wet season.



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How to Cite

Kudô, K., Komatsu, K., Mateus, S., Zucchi, R., & Nascimento, F. (2014). Presence of Strepsiptera Parasites in the Independent-founding Wasp, Polistes satan. Sociobiology, 61(2), 237–238.



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